I like your ideas But can you make it a FPS and halo reach for iOS?
I like your ideas But can you make it a FPS and halo reach for iOS?
This game needs multiplayer!!!!, this game would be better if it had multiplayer, please do this on the next update but still good game
I am sure this game would be great but I have not been able to play it yet... When I open the game it just goes to a screen that says connecting... Its done it for 30min so far...
I just started playing this and its very good so far this is amazing for an iOS game once I complete this Ill be moving to the sequel which looks just as good well great job to the developers. The only thing u guys can make the movement controls a little easier but its not that big of a deal. Edited So I was thinking this game should have a multiplayer I could see it now matchmaking online it could work. Consider it.
I payed for both games and they wont even download!!!!!!!!
This game is so good and really fun,but it takes Ike 40 mins to load the first time I tried to play it the game took 3 days to load! Please fix this.
Everytime i go on it it keeps on saying connecting and I really want to play the game
I love Halo Spartan assault, but I wish it had better graphics like Halo Spartan strike that would make me give it a five star rating, and I wish it had better performance
This game would probably be amazing. Too bad I cant play it. It goes to a screen and says connecting for like 1 hr. Also with this issue its such bull crap because I spent 5.99 on this game and it wont even work. Fix it. BUY THIS GAME AT YOUR OWN RISK
Okay now it finally got past the connecting screen and I can play it. Thanks! Awesome game!
I dont know why but if you get this game I dont recommend it but it gets stuck at connecting and its retarted
The game is not working
Decided to write a review in the off chance someone reads it and benefits. The game defaults the controls to max sensitivity. Once you turn them down you will have a lot of fun! Why they do that I dont know. Enjoy! Update: just found out the option to adjust sensitivity is only on the other game. So four stars til they fix it.
This game doesnt even take up that much space but it takes a long time to download! Plus the connection screen takes hours. Y does it take so long for it to load, I can understand connecting to the server but it doesnt have a multiplayer mode.
hi there this is the master chief spartan 117 from halo universe thanks for all feed backs i will upgrade from the future too have all halo games muti players that can be played throught the unlversal multi players from earth halo universe even update upgrade wi-fi too suport the new halos zero evence wi-fi comcations internet
I bought the bundle for halo no questions asked but seem to be confused as I only played the game twice now and I keep trying to play but its just a loading screen. I find this hard to believe knowing u guys are a good company that love there consumers so please fix this before I regret ever looking at ur products twice
Great game, but once you beat the campaign it gets boring(yes Ive beat the other game too). If there was some kind of arcade survival or something it might be more interesting. Also bodies should not sink and the aim/fire should be separate or at least the fire delayed cause that really burns ammo(binary). Still definitely 5-star worthy. Hoping for another HALO Game Mobile!!!
I bought the game a long time ago and came back to play it about a week ago, when I came back to play, the game would get almost loaded and then would just stop and not load the rest of the game. I have the game on my iPad but when I try to play it, the game just stops loading. I spent money on this and Im super upset that it doesnt work!
hi there this master chief spartan 117 i live halo game on ios apple loves halo apple set up a clussifed milarty operation from anti terosisst apple with us army and halo alince building apples anti terorist weapons apple going too wage halo war on teroist with apple weapons us army tested apples 3 ton anti terorist weapon soo once fbi gets over with invagation apple will have aple users wage halo war with apple vantiterorist weapons why fbi watns big espenuge with all appke users when apple users can blow terorist off the map with apples milatry weapons
Hooked up my gamevice and nothing happened. Game looks pretty though. Not interested in hiding half the screen with my man hands.